Yup, I just found that page.  Thanks for the fast response though.  There are some words on the download page at the mirror I tried today that refer to this.  Perhaps I just did not see them yesterday.

Just a clarification though.  I do remember that you said you had used the update manager just as I know the announcement refers to one.  The question relly came back to where / how did noe get it.  With no one mentioning a source (CD, URL, Release Note instructions, etc) one is left to search for instructions or just try things.  I certainly don't expect everyone to write books on the HOWs, but when I did not find a HOW I did ask.  In any case, the URL is appreciated.  Thanks.

On 6/6/06, Austin Godber <godber@uberhip.com> wrote:
I believe I mentioned that I used the "update-manager" ... heres some



Dazed_75 wrote:
> I've been following this discussion about the results people are seeing but
> no one seems to mention the procedure they are using.  I find that curious
> in that a search on the Ubuntu web site seems to only give the procedure
> from BEFORE release where you issued a command to include pre-release
> repositories.  Oh, I did see some references about change "breezy" to
> "dapper" in a file but it also was not clear about the whole procedure.
> Now I have not downloaded the CD image to see if using it detects your
> current installation and offers to upgrade but one would expect to see more
> info than that there is a new tool you can use to do an upgrade.  I'll dl
> and make a CD tonight, but if any of you experts could point me at any
> clear
> instructions for doing the Breezy -> Dapper upgrade, I would appreciate it.

"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them."

Patrick Henry quote