On 5/18/06, Mike Schwartz <mike.l.schwartz@gmail.com> wrote:

Umm, one small correction:
> Stallman adapted [...] and called it open source.

Nope.  What Stallman calls it, is "Free Software".
Not only is "open source" not == "Free Software",
but Stallman considers the difference to be important.
He talks about it on some of the gnu project web pages -- see
In fact, his answer (more detailed than just 'no') to the question
"Is `Open Source' Synonymous With `Free Software'?". 
is given in an essay entitled
<< Why ``Free Software'' is better than ``Open Source'' >>

Hello Mike,

You are correct.  I got a little sloppy with my terminology, I'm sure Stallman would rip me a new one over that!  However, my point still stands.  Stallman's motivating philosophy for free software is based on the successes of the scientific process, not on a dubious utopian political philosophy.

