On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 00:40 -0700, Edward Norton wrote:
For clarification on what ports are blocked by COX on residential networks, go to http://support.cox.com/sdcxuser/asp/Cox_searchresults.asp and type 'ports filtered' in the search box. Second link from the top of the search results. Good details.

in that this has been a continuing topic of discussion and the above link doesn't work for anyone I am including their markup code in this html mail which should make it clear what they are blocking.

Port Transport Protocol Direction Reason for Filtering
25 TCP SMTP Both* SMTP Relays
80 TCP HTTP Inbound Web servers, worms
135 UDP NetBios Both Net Send Spam/Pop-ups, Worms
136-139 UDP, TCP NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighborhood
445 TCP MS-DS/ NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighhood
1433 TCP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, Trojans
1434 UDP MS-SQL Inbound Worms, SQLslammer
1900 UDP MS-DS/ NetBios Both Worms, Network Neighborhood
TCP Subseven Both SubSeven Trojan

I forgot about slammer.
