On 2/18/06, Alan Dayley <alandd@consultpros.com> wrote:
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John Wheat wrote:
>   I have noticed that MP3 support is rather limited with linux,
> therefore, would Ogg be a suitable alternative considering I like to
> burn CD's of mixed songs in my collection. The format used would need to
> be easily converted to Wav so they can be burned to CDr's any
> suggestions on this?

I am confused when you say that "MP3 support is rather limited with
linux"  I currently have no less than 5 (maybe more) different audio
players on my Fedora system that can play MP3s.  The legality of the
software that encodes and decodes MP3 may be up for debate but support
for the format is not limited.

Did you install them yourself? Or did they come with the distro?

Ogg is a suitable alternative which I would use more, if I had a
portable player that supported.  Players that support Ogg are few and
far between.  I have an iPod Nano (provided as a gift) but do not use
the Apple ACC format since I don't and won't use iTunes.  My only other
iPod supported choice is MP3.  So, I rip my CDs to MP3.

IPod nano is a nice piece of gear...jmz