On 2/16/06, Technomage <technomage-hawke@cox.net> wrote:
this goes a lot further than just backing up and format shifting.

-> RIAA et al. says CD ripping, backups not fair use

-> http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060215-6190.html

"If anyone has any doubts about the content industry's resolve to destroy fair
use and usher in new ways of charging you for uses that were previously both
free and fair, look no further."

Yep, they want to "plug the analog hole."  And put their stranglehold on consumers and OUR media.
Check This link for the "new" DMCA aka Digital Transition Content Security Act or DTCSA:

You can write your local gov. officials and oppose these outrageous laws. 
The EFF has a form setup:

You may want to checkout Wikipedia on the subject of the "Digital Transition Content Security Act"