I need to fight with some Acrobat forms which must be filled out RIGHT NOW (by Monday morning) and are apparently pretty finicky about needing version 7 of the reader applet.  I have no machine which will run 7.x (the compatibility is a nightmare!)  I also need to pick up about 150Mb of updates related to coaxing a machine into being able to run 7.x so I can avoid this hassle next time.
Since my connection is 44k typical, I figure the easiest way to handle this is to go over to an Internet cafe.
I need to go somewhere with up-to-date software (I doubt they want me installing and then having to auto-update Acrobat 30 times? :P) decent connectivity, low rates, and CD burner availability (I can supply my own CDs).  Had I been less scatterbrained, I'd just take my 802.11-equipped laptop over to Town Lake and use their wireless, but it wouldn't help with my Acrobat problem.
My first thought was the Mesa library's internet connected machines, but I don't know if they have CD burners or are kept current with software.  Can anyone tell me?  Where else can people suggest?  I'd prefer to not have to travel miles afield; Mesa or Tempe is preferrable.
If they have good carrot cake, better.