It has come to our attention that state and city governments of this state are not acting in the best intrest of it's citizens. 'How is that?' you may wonder. The state and city governments have no money yet they contiune to give hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not then millions) to a company that is in the state of Washington known as Microsoft. They continue to do this by leasing licenses for their operating system (OS) Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 2003 even though their are viable alternatives to the Windows OS called RedHat Linux or SUSE Linux or even Mepis Linux among many. Linux is part of a movement called open source in which the source code (inner workings of the program) is available for everyone to inspect and to improve upon. While some say this leads to a less secure OS, that is not true. The individuals who write computer virii are are usually young and inexperienced individuals who think they are smarter than they really are (this is why they ALWAYS get caught). And while they are looking at the code with malicious overtones the wiser, more experienced generation is inspecting the same code fixing any security flaws they find in the OS. Because the code is open for all to see it is also open for all to compile (make operational). This means that it is also free to compile and use as your OS. But it goes deeper than just the operating system, all of the applications included with most distributions of the Linux OS are also open source. This means that for nothing you can have an operating that is superior to Microsoft's operating system with similar application programs. Sincerely: Michael Havens --- note: I think we should send the letter promoting one of the distributions. Although I prefer Debian I think we should go with one of the comecialized distributions] [My name on the letter is optional] So what do you all think?