On Sun, Aug 4, 2024 at 6:25 PM joe--- via PLUG-discuss < plug-discuss@lists.phxlinux.org> wrote: > How crucial are the thousands of cache > files cluttering up our computers? > To my knowledge, they are not crucial. I delete them before a full back of my $HOME and have not seen any application breakage. I have my shell script here for you to modify to fit your needs. HTH, -- Arun Khan #!/bin/bash # # Script to clean up files in [Cc]ache [Tt]rash in user's home directories # [ ! -d $HOME ] && echo "There is no HOME dir for $USER" && return 1 TMPFILE=/tmp/cache_n_trash_dirs$$ # define directory strings here dir_string1="\( -type d -iname '*cache*' \)" dir_string2="\( -type d -iname '*trash*' \)" dir_string3="\( -type d -iname '.local' \)" find $HOME \( -type d -iname '*cache*' \) -o \( -type d -iname '*trash*' \) | \ sed -e 's/^/"/' -e 's/$/\/"/' | sed -e 's/^/rm -fr /' > $TMPFILE # add thumbnails directory to the list echo "rm -fr $HOME/.thumbnails/* " >> $TMPFILE cat << EOF Temporary shell script file written in $TMPFILE; Please execute the following line: bash $TMPFILE EOF