In this order I use Windows, Apple Mac, and Linux Mint. Sometimes I'm working in LibreOffice, or Java, or Python, etc. and I get stuck rotating between all three OSes. I mostly store my stuff or Google Drive, but some on OneDrive. I can access both fine on Windows. Accessing OneDrive from my iMac works OK. I've had the iMac unable to find files on OneDrive and I couldn't figure out why. I haven't experimented with Google Drive on Mint, but that's supposed to run OK. There doesn't seem to be a sophisticated integration of Linux Mint and OneDrive. LibreOffice and scripting languages work fine when placed on cloud drives. I couldn't compile Java source files if they lived on Google Drive and I haven't tried OneDrive yet. So my buried lead is "what consumer grade cloud storage inter-operates best with all three OSes?" Linux always seems to be the laggard, so the strategy might be to find services which work well with Linux *then* see how that pool of solutions work with whatever Apple is calling OSX now and with Windows. Sorry for the hybrid desktop world question which is not focus on FOSS or Linux. Trent