How do I get a PHP File? I'm guessing its not possible, but I'm hoping its possible -- just not accessible to the normal user ... seeking some power user advice. I have an account at: I am a licensed user of their product "*SecureCRT*" ... really excellent, you should give it a try. Anyway, after updating my login information, when I tried to login I got an error message that just said "Bad PID". I then realized that I had updated my login URL in LastPass, removing all the "junk" from the end of the login_page.php URL ... incorrectly thinking it wasn't required and just an artifact from when I signed up. I was wrong. I can probably easily fix this by just going in through the front of site and generating a new URL or whatever -- but the nerd inside me wouldn't let it be that easy .... how do I get a list of valid PID's from the "account_login.php?pid= " page? I tried the Developer Console from within Chrome -- but either that didn't work, or I don't know how to use it properly -- hoping it's the latter. Anyhoo -- apprecaite the help or insight on this. Thanks! -Alex. -- Thanks, Alex.