Hi, It appears I am having Internet router problems. Occasionally I will not be able to access the Internet for a few seconds to a minute or so. This morning I was not able to access the Internet at all. I am with Cox and have a home office business account. I called Cox and they suggested bypassing my router and connect directly to their modem. That worked. Based on that I think my router is going bad. I had turned off the modem and the router for a maybe an hour or so while I did other things. I now have access. I would like a secure router. Cox says almost any modern router will be secure. Security is a big issue. When I look at all the WiFi that is available in my neighborhood I see maybe 10 routers. That is scary! Since I have a business account that allows servers I have been using port forwarding. I am a programmer and occasionally I fire up my laptop turned server for testing. I also have set up my WiFi to only accept those devices that I have configured by MAC address. Any toughs on my pending router purchase? Thank you so much for all your feedback!! Keith