Keith, I am just starting out with Word Press, but have 33+ yeaers of UNIX experience. I am intentionally developing on a laptop to facilitate taking it places, and getting help. I don't even have the development plugins installed yet. I was able to get the WP basic installation installed OK but I was unable to install the IgnitionDeck plugins according to instructions. So, I installed Akismet while waiting for help from the support group. It installed just fine. I did some searching and used the same pattern to install the basic IgnitionDeck plugin. I then installed Wordfence, it installed fine, but crashed my WP development html page. I ended up commenting out the Wordfence lines in /etc/wordpress/htaccess. I am unable to do any upgrades, the window just sits there and gives me no response. The 2 remaining Ignition Deck plugins also fail to install according to instructions even when I use the manual method I used to install the IgnitionDeck base plugin. Is there any way we could get together? I will be happy to meet with you any time any where in the valley. Please let me know. Thanks You! Lynn Ph: 480 632-8633 Todd, I've been to the install fests before... I'll put the 16th on my calendar. Thank You! Lynn​