i got a monitor. It is not wide screen. Linux would automagically set the proper resolution. I have windows7 on another drive in this computer. I boot into it because I was wondering why GRUB says it is on sda1 and sda2 and I was wondering what sda2 would look like. So I boot into it and all looked normal so I restart the machine and boot into linux. Well, somehow the computer thought I had a wide screen so part of the display was off-screen. I did everything I could think of to fix the resolution! I was then writing a note asking for your assistance when that little voice inside my head said..... don't ask until you try a reboot. So I reboot and everything reverted to normal. So all of you PLUGers, if you run into a similar situation try to reboot before anything. That used to be called 'the microsoft way of fixing things' but it looks like it is now Linux's as well. -- :-)~MIKE~(-: