Hi All, Im trying to dig up some ancient procmail knowledge and I cant seem to find it. All I want to do is take a email look at the subject line extract out a variable and use that variable to send the email to an file based on that name to be processed later; Example: recipe: LOGFILE=$HOME/.procmailrc.log MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail VERBOSE=yes PATH=/usr/bin :0: * ^FROM bipublisher-notification@oracle.com { EGR = `formail -xSubject: | /bin/sed -e 's/([A-Z]{2,3}\d{2}|PROD)//g'` /tmp/bi_pub_"$EGR" } :0 * ^FROM bipublisher-report@oracle.com /dev/null the string in the subject line: Oracle BI Publisher Notification: [DEV01]: Job was successfully processed. so sed looks for 2 or 3 capital letters 2 numbers or the word PROD. and Im trying to write out to /tmp/bi_pub_DEV01 or whatever the value from the EGR variable. Any guidance would be helpful. The online resources seem a little obtuse. Sean