Hi, The footage from 2000-2001 for the DMCA movie is complete (Dmitry rally in SF, SF protests, Phoenix protests, Lessig/Stallman meeting for the first time, Discussions with Lessig/stallman, speechesm- Dmitry, lessig,-- stallman, Bruce Perens/Stallman during the protest, Don Marti, EFF ppl, etc etc etc) Speical Thanks to the hackers in our community (2600 members) with special thanks to Haxxxor producer and 2600 attendee :) (friend of mine from way way back - college actually!) So, now, I need a few fillers - people who are interested in being on film discussing the DMCA. Anyone in the Linux community willing to assist? These can be interview style or just a few minutes speaking on your opinion or views of the DMCA. If you are interested, please contact me at: marcia.k.wilbur@gmail.com Thanks!