I got a friend upon whose computer (old XP) I installed Linux. She called me last night because she forgot the password. Well, I asked the Florida user group about what to do and this is what they had to say: Just use GRUB to boot into single user mode / recovery mode. Append *init=/bin/sh* to the kernel command line, then mount the root filesystem (if it isn't already done for you) and run *passwd *to reset the root password or *password user *to reset user's password. http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-recover-root-password-under-linux-with-single-user-mode/ I'd bring a CD containing System Rescue CD just in case. http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage By the way, you can bust back into borked VMs with System Rescue CD ISO files, too. By the way, if you use System Rescue CD, do something like this, assuming her / is the mountpoint for /dev/sda1: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt chroot /mnt/ bash cd /etc vi passwd Now delete the x between the first and second colons, for both user root and her ordinary username, then quit vi exit umount /mnt reboot Now, when asked for her password, leave it blank and she'll get in. Then she can change her password as desired. Same thing's true the first time she logs in as root. If she's not trustworthy enough to leave with blank passwords, you could probably use the passwd program after the chroot to change the passwords. :-)~MIKE~(-: