---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Lawrence Lessig Date: Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:30 AM Subject: Our first race is tomorrow To: Kristian Kristian, I know we've been a little quieter than usual, but that's because we've been working hard behind the scenes. I wanted to take a minute to step back from the campaign frenzy to give you an important update before our big day tomorrow, and to ask for your help. It's been almost four months since we sent the international signal of distress – calling MAYDAY for America – and launched this experiment to win back our democracy. We've come a long way, bringing over 50,000 of us together, crowd-funding more than $6M and, when matched, raising close to $13M to fight the corrupting influence of money in politics. And tomorrow, we will have the first test of our political strength. In Arizona's 7th District, Mayday candidate Ruben Gallego will run for reform in the Primary Election. *Will you help us get voters to the polls tomorrow to support our reform candidate?* *Click here to send a message to your friends* . Gallego is a proven leader on reform and I have full confidence he will work to make the influence of the majority greater than the influence of money. We supported Gallego with digital and mail advertisements focused on a message of reform to voters in Arizona's 7th District, which includes part of the cities of Phoenix and Glendale. We’re confident that voters will support our anti-corruption candidate, but it's politics – anything can happen on Election Day. The latest polls have Gallego in the lead, but we need your help to get voters to the polls. *Do you know someone living in Arizona? If you do, I urge you to call them on the phone right now and ask them to vote for our reform candidate Ruben Gallego in tomorrow’s election.* If you don’t know anyone in Arizona, you can still help spread the word on social media: *click here to help us get out the vote* . We want America to hear loud and clear that if he wins, which we hope he will, it is because voters care about this issue. We've worked hard to illustrate for voters that Ruben Gallego will stand up for the people, support reform, and help restore our Democracy. *Now is our last chance to spread the word – please click here to share* . Thank you again for everything you have done, and for all you continue to do in building this vitally important movement. -Lessig This email was sent to kristian.hermansen+mayday.us@gmail.com *why did I get this?* unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences Paid for by Mayday PAC | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee · PO Box 380444 · Cambridge, MA 02238 · USA -- Regards, Kristian Erik Hermansen https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristianhermansen https://google.com/+KristianHermansen