I continue to run Hackests since 2008; currently still at DeVry on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 11-2 PM. We have donated Internship programs for security students, community interested in more than 1 hackfest a month and regular professional presentations contributed every month. We have the use of the OneNeck Rack, designated under the school charter for student use only, configured with a donated VMWare ESXi server that hosts the target machines setup for the practical portion of every lession (hands on using the desktop machines). I have had to develop my own Concrete5.org CMS since resources are limited on the PLUG server at http://it-clowns.com/c/index.php/hackfests. I also use the Google Groups and Events and LinkedIn and Facebook to keep the community informed about the meetings. I am slightly preplexed about why the hackfests would have been dropped from the schedule? The website looks great BTW (assuming this is due to Brian/Hans work?) I have a grueling WFH schedule for Unix/Linux Build Architect role, so I have not been able to attend the other regular PLUG events; I haven't seen any regular Event Volunteer Stammtiches or other coordination meeting since last year (which I could not attend due to health issues)? Thanks for your assistance. -- (503) 754-4452 Android (623) 239-3392 Skype (623) 688-3392 Google Voice ** it-clowns.com Chief Clown