I switched over to Linux on my workstation.  It is a Dell i5 w/8GB RAM.  I installed 64bit Kubuntu.  This week is the first week I have used this box exclusively.  Some adjustments taking I was previousy on Win7.  Interestingly enough I find Kubuntu to be less stable than Win7 and probably less stable than Win95. Skype crashes or freezes and even when I kill the process I have to reboot to get Skype to launch and work. Libre Office crashes often as well. Last night I did an upgrade which I was hoping would help, however Libre Office has crashed 2 times today and I have had to go through the recovery process.  Skype just froze..... again Is anyone else experiencing this level of issues?   I'm excited to be running Linux.  I like Linux much better today than in 2000 when I went M$ free for 8 months.  However I am a LAMP dev and I need what works.  I need to spend my time programming, not grooming an O/S so it works properly. Any thoughts? Keith