I Hope I do not drive everyone crazy over the next couple days or weeks as it might be.  So let me thank you in advance for your patience and help!! A little background... A year ago one of the members of this list helped me configure a webserver that is in my home office.  It has run well for a year.  It is on an old desktop so I bought a new box and it is time to configure it.  This time I hope to go it alone with my safety net of course. My first of probably many questions has to do with Apache - I was told a while ago that the way to add vhosts is by putting them into a seperate file so they will not get overwritten during an update. I've been looking for a standard way to do this, however I am not finding any standard.  Is there a standard or do I just add an include at the end of the httpd.config.  If so should I just add the SSL vhosts in the same way? Thank you so much for your help!! Keith    ------------------------ Keith Smith