If you are taking the computer out into the heat of the day via backpack or such, THAT is NOT a good thing for the LT, the LCD screen, and especially not good for Li-Ion batteries. (I) would recommend that you create a sleeve out of water heater insulation material and Duct tape.... *REALLY*! The kind like in the picture. you can get it at Home Depot and it is a good insulator. Just cut into a pattern that can be wrapped around you LT and create a pocket sleeve with duct tape. They have MANY different PATTERNED tapes at Home depot too. It will keep the heat from penetrating into the LT as quickly. *There IS the possibility that you have BAD hardware too. ** **IF your laptop is a DELL, they have **_extensive_**troubleshooting available on their support website (free)** **** **http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19?c=us&l=en&s=dhs* RBHWHJ