It was amazing. I have several extra copies of the session slides they handed out before the convention. I learned a great deal, I did NOT end up on the wall of sheep (then again, I didn't log into ANY accounts). Still not sure if my old laptop was hacked or not (I wiped it, put a clean install on it, with nothing on it I care about), but I'll check it out later, I don't really need it. And I have this urge to make a bunker and hide in it. These people are very good, and very scary. I learned: SIP sucks (sorry VOIP folks) and DNS is NOT your friend, and may end electronic civilization as we know it :) I only bumped into one PLUG member, one of my former students. Was a blast. Oh, and on an odd note, TSA does not care about lock picking equipment going through security. Or at least they didn't care about mine. ;) Phil Waclawski