That is a very good point Daniel. The IRS can only target people who are self- identified... But haven't these articles shown the government is into facebook? And didn't someone just announce a couple months ago that using likes and dislikes along with social connections facebook can predict just about *everything* about a person without that person even admitting to any of it? That's exactly what I'm saying. But this makes it even easier. The IRS could only target specific people who self-identified by filling out paperwork. Now others can branch off and go after all of their friends, family, business associates, places they frequent, etc. On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 1:12 PM, Nathan England wrote: Where have you been? Obama is already doing that with the IRS... The lack of privacy is only the first step. Next comes identifying and targeting of political enemies based on nothing more than their associations. Daniel On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:38 PM, wrote: I just received a phone call from a friendwho began talking with this announcement: "As we speak, please keep in mind that the NSAis recording, scrutinizing, and analyzing every word." Sadly, it seems that is the inescapable realityof the world that we now live in: every phone call,every text message, and every transmitted document. -- | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Daniel P. Stasinski|[3][4] -- | ---------------------------------------------------------------| Daniel P. Stasinski| -------- [1] [2] [3] [4]