On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 06:49:48PM -0700, joe@actionline.com wrote: > > Thanks to all for all the suggestions. After wasting several days trying > figure out M$ convoluted maze, I finally found a free utility called > partition wizard that installed and instantly fixed the problem. > > It is incomprehensible and unconscionable that M$ is so determined to make > everything so impossibly convoluted and difficult. Viva Linux. I completely agree. My step daughter moved in for a few weeks and I got to play with her Win7 netbook. After two days of wrestling with the way M$ wanted you to do things, I said thanks but no thanks, and that was with her showing me how and me reading a big manual she had with her. God how I love my Debian and it's not a matter of what I'm used to! -- Bob Holtzman If you think you're getting free lunch, check the price of the beer. Key ID: 8D549279