Okay.... I figured out why the virtual (debian) couldn't ssh to the host (mint). I didn't have openssh-server installed in the mint. Now they are talking with each other nicely! Unfortunately I can't go from the either of those to the print-server (ubuntu). The errors given from both computers is 'connection timed out'. I can ssh from the ubuntu to to the debian and the mint with no problem. When I verified that openssh-server was installed on the ubuntu with apt it said: openssh-server is already the newest version. openssh-server set to manually installed. So I'm not too sure what that means. I think that is saying that the downloaddd package is the newest version but it isn't installed! If I'm correect on that point how do I install it and another question I have is how do I get it to load on boot? I think that installing it will take care of that but I just want to make sure. -- :-)~MIKE~(-: