It greatly saddens me, Michael, that you feel so familiar with the members of the Phoenix Linux Users Group public email list that you are comfortable making such a disgusting comment. I joined this public mailing list to learn about linux many years ago, to contribute to the group as a member, and participate in the technology it represents. As a born-again Christian, I am appalled at the comment, which has absolutely NO place in a public forum such as this, and nothing to do with the technology this forum represents. And as a father with 4 daughters I take personal offense to such a comment. In the future, please remember this is not the personal posting grounds of Michael Havens, but a public forum for the research, help and evangelism of open source technology. There are a whole slew of new .xxx domains where your comment would be more appropriate. Nathan England On Friday, February 17, 2012 12:37:01 Michael Havens wrote: That's right ET! I am very bad! I need to be punished. NOt by you though. Find me a cute Asian chick to.... ohhhh... I need to get my mind out of the gutter!