I created a webpage and I need opinions of the advertisement I'm putting on it. Could you please proof read it and tell me if it would turn you off or on or indifferant? -- :-)~MIKE~(-: -----------------begin ad--------------- Mike here, You know, I wanted to find a work-from-home job so badly that I followed many leads and I got scammed many times. Good news though! I finally found a web page that really does give work-from-home job opportunities. These jobs range from computer programmers to cartoon artists; from telephone interviewers to social workers; from proofreaders to typists. A great number of other opportunities are also at this site just awaiting an applicant. I feel as if I should just give the webpage to you but I also feel I've been scammed so often that I need to recoup some of my losses. So, simply pay $5.00 via paypal to havens.business<@>gmail<.>com and I'll send you the site. True, you could find it on your own; but I never did in the years of my search. I had to pay substantially more than the five I'm asking for... but what I did pay for is (in my opinion) unreasonable. I figure $5 is a fair price... not to much but perhaps too little. However, I know that if you are unemployed you are watching every penny so I definately don't want to hurt you. In fact, the site itself is free (at least it was when I used it) so there will be no further charges. If you don't have a paypal account you can sign upfor it for free and then link it to a bank account or a credit card. So the excuse that you don't have a paypal account is a lame excuse. Have a good day ya-all! -----end ad----- http://fatherswithforeignbabies.us/work.html