Hi PLUG, We are looking for a couple of IT volunteers for the event that I though might be a good fit for this list. Volunteers get free tickets, prestige and glory (at least the tickets part is true). We are looking for a person or two who can assist with some of the IT at the event, mainly setting up some PCs, some wifi aiming, and some cabling. Nothing big, the infrastructure is very simple. The dates/times for volunteering would be friday the 14th in the afternoon or early in the day on saturday. There has been a pretty successful learn to solder station at other Maker Faire's and we would like to continue the tradition at this one however some last minute changes left us short handed. If you have very basic soldering skills and are interested in teaching others 11-7 on saturday the 15th please let me know also. Soldering is very basic on a "learn to solder blinking robot badge" with about 4 joints. Soldering equipment is already available, we just need some additional hands. On another note our upstream for the event wifi is pretty small but we do have some long range wifi and microwave equipment available so if anyone has or is aware of a party with any kind of line of site to 3rd st and Roosevelt st downtown we might be able to work something out. If you are interested in volunteering please email volunteers@makerbench.com Thanks. -Dave