Of course, if any of these are really bad, we will find another. If you have a request, we can fit it in also! ----start list--- *Katy Levinson* *Don't Fix It In Software** * *********Steve Ocepek* *Blinkie Lights: Network Monitoring with Arduino* Read It! (PDF| Extras) ********************* *Olivier Bilodeau PacketFence, The Open Source Nac: What We've Done In The Last Two Years *Read It! (PDF) * * ###################### DROID Stuff Nicholas J. Percoco, Sean Schulte This is REALLY not the droid you're looking for... Read It! (PDF| Extras) *** Yekaterina Tsipenyuk O'Neil, Erika Chin Seven Ways to Hang Yourself with Google Android Read It! (PDF ) *** Eric Fulton Cellular Privacy: A Forensic Analysis of Android Network Traffic --end list--- Hackfest @ MakerBench in Tempe 3PM - 6PM