I have downloaded Aircrack-ng 1.1 for Windows. I have looked on the Internet and I cannot get it to work. The GUI requires a PCAP file but the only thing I have found to create it is Airsever-ng which I cannot get to run because I cannot find the name of the interface. I have tried what Windows shows as the interface name from the Network settings screen, but I just get an error. I have not been able to find any sites that have more current direction on Aircrack-ng for Windows 7. Most of the sites show Windows XP or a older version of Aircrack-ng. I did find a site but it included a Commonview.dll, but that was not is not part of the Aircrack-ng download from the Aircrack-ng site. I am just lost at where to start to get this to run in Windows. Does anyone have any other places I can look that might help show me? Thank You, David