On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Dazed_75 wrote: > As to the Name resolution issue, there is a difference between Windows Name > Service (WINS) and Domain Name System/Servers (DNS). You can do your own > serches for the details, but here are a couple of articles you may find > useful: > http://news.hitb.org/content/wins-vs-dns (OLD but simple) > http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc750589.aspx (Microsoft > article on integrating them) > > A simpler answer for you might be to turn on DNSMASQ in your router if > yours supports that. It basically caches DNS resolutions for requests going > out through the router as well as the names of systems on your LAN getting > IPs from the router. > Yeah, that does explain why I can't access local machines by name. Good to know. Still, would really like to resolve the latency in access internet resources. (Ping seems to be fast enough though)