Hackfest in Chandler Noon-3PM at Gangplankhq.com 250 Arizona Avenue. We have a lab tomorrow with flags (ala Vmware) including Exploitable and Debian Lenny (and a few others) for your exploitation glee. I also will go through a quick Metasploit demonstration using WebDAV. We also will be going over DefCon 19 (August 4-Aug 7 2011) presentations and discussions: https://www.defcon.org/html/defcon-19/dc-19-index.html Almost all of their presentations are made available somewhere, so if you can't go, be assured you will actually get more out of the videos and other materials that come out of the events. http://hackfest.obnosis.com http://plug.phoenix.az.us -- (602) 791-8002 Android (623) 239-3392 Skype (623) 688-3392 Google Voice**