Hi All, I have Qmail Toaster configured on an old ... ancient laptop (1G Celeron,256MB RAM,14GB HD) running CentOS 5.6.  I am so excited to get this configured. Has a lot of help from the Qmail Toaster list.  They are great! Here is my question.  8 or 9 years ago I was running Debian and configured the mail server.  I was on an ISP that was friendly to running a server.  So I got the mail server running.  I left it on for several days until my ISP canceled my account because I had somehow configured the server with an open relay.  Someone found it and flooded the internet with spam causing my ISP problems. So needles to say I do not want to go through that again. Any idea how I test my configuration to ensure I do not have an open relay again? Thanks! ------------------------ Keith Smith