Hello PLUG, It was a pleasure meeting some of you the other day at Pita Jungle. Our application uses Flash and is database heavy. We are currently trying to decide which cloud hosting provider to go with, Amazon or Linode. This link does a great comparison. http://www.slideshare.net/mpeters/cloud-hosting-survey The state of our company: -Our Linux/Sys Admin knowledge is limited and rudimentary -Since our launch we've had over 2000 students join and the user base is growing daily. -Software development has 3 server environments; development, stage and live. -Linode offers multiple IPs per server, Amazon has 1 IP per server > Multiple IP made it easy to add SSL certs to multiple environments - Currently dev and stage are on Linode - Currently live is on Amazon. Do we move from Amazon to Linode or from Linode to Amazon? Which one will provide the scaling we need? Thank you very much! -- Vimal Shah, VP of Engineering Sokikom Office: (480) 788-1849 Mobile: (480) 752-9269 Email: vimals@sokikom.com Web: www.sokikom.com Follow us: twitter.com/sokikom Like us: facebook.com/sokikom