Feed your technolust this Saturday at Gangplankhq.com 12:00 to 3PM: Sam Kreimeyer will be directing Metasploit (via the overhead projector) against our VMWare monster (Dual Quad Core) Dell server for our amusement and education; followed by open exploiting, full duplex group interaction and festing. Brad Blanchette will be available to assist anyone who is interested in flashing a cable modem DOCSIS 2.0 (or earlier) ala sbhacker.net. We now have a VMWare system setup with Metasploitable (and other images) > for your hackfest fun! > > If you want to attack with us you will need your own laptop (optimally with > Backtrack4r2 booted either via USB or DVD). Also please bring either a very > long network cable or workable wireless (both will be available). > > NOTE: Gangplank is a open minded technical community that respects our practical test hacking labs, while we respect their equipment and networks. > See you at Gangplank in Chandler, AZ Noon-3PM 2nd and 3rd Saturday of Every > Month > > http://gangplankhq.com/ > > Historic Downtown Chandler > 260 South Arizona Avenue > Chandler, AZ 85225 > info@gangplankhq.com - Parking > > -- (503) 754-4452 iPhone (623) 239-3392 Skype (623) 688-3392 Google Voice http://www.it-clowns.com "It took me many years but I have gained access to the root account and have removed the user God." -Saros