I have been trying to get dvgrab to work with my setup and I can't seem to get it to grab the video from my camera over firewire. It starts the camera says it is grabbing video, but never writes a file with the video to my hard disk. Running dvgrab as a normal user occaisionally gives me a segmentation fault. Even running it as root does not create an output file. A typical run: orca:/home/mark/Movies/Savage/clips# dvgrab -f dv2 foo- Found AV/C device with GUID 0x0800460102561c47 Waiting for DV... "": damaged frame near: timecode ??:??:??.?? date ????.??.?? ??:??:?? This means that there were missing or invalid FireWire packets. ......quite a few of these as the camera starts and comes up to speed. Once the camera is up to speed, they stop. I assume (perhaps incorrectly?) that these are just due to the camera motor coming up to speed. After running for a minute and no error messages I hit ctrl-C and get this: ^C"": 0.00 MiB 0 frames timecode 00:00:00.00 date 2010.12.05 09:10:52 Capture Stopped Warning: 151 damaged frames. I am running Debian testing amd64. Google gave me this tip: http://mylinuxramblings.wordpress.com/2010/01/02/grabbing-dv-from-a-video-camera-using-dvgrab-kdenlive/and followed those simple instructions. Still noo ouput file. Is the addition of the file raw1394.rules with the contents (*KERNEL==”raw1394″, GROUP=”video”*) to /etc/udev/rules.d necessary? I am trying to use Lives to edit the videos, but I can't even get past the command line usage of dvgrab! Thanks! Mark