STOP DON DO IT MARIO!!! Okay, seriously, my experience with F/N has been nothin gbut negative. EXT2 is the only common denominator filesystem that MS, MAC and Linux can read. This being the most important... DATA LOSS AND FS LOSS! Three times I had a box set up and was configuring it or had it configured and wanted to make some changes. The web interface froze solid. By the it unfroze my data was gone, all my settings were gone. And in one instance the whole FS was corrupted in addition to data losss. It's easier to build a OBSD or Linux server and have it run properly. I honestly think some of it had to do not so much with the FS but with the application that interfaces with LightHTTPD that is used on the box. That's my 1.5c's Hey all... have a GREAT holiday tomorrow. gk