Starting in January 2011, The Phoenix Linux Security Team will be moving to on every other Wednesday night, from 18:00 (6PM) to 21:00 (9:00). We will be sharing the great Chandler Gangplank facilities with their community crew for "HackNight" which is not really security specific. For our security labs, we will setup our own Wifi as needed. For our Presentations, we have smaller rooms as well as a new overhead projector and audio. We also have a great deal of equipment that has been donated that we can use in the way of hubs for 802.3 networking. For those of us with the ability to tether our 802.1 networks to a jail broken device, for a socks proxy, we might setup '"external" network views with ip forwarding to a hub for fun. Everyone felt that this would allow more people to get a real team working together. While the distance to Chandler is prohibitive, we will still be carpooling. We also have the ability to demonstrate network specific things and use backtrack for LIVE presentations, rather than being constrained by the HIPPA compliant network at JCL. We will no longer be using the facilities at John C. Lincoln Hospital's Cowden Center in North Phoenix. We will no longer be meeting on Saturday or Tuesday but the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. We really want to thank everyone over at for allowing community to florish! -- Network Operations Center Engineer Atjeu Hosting (503) 754-4452 (623) 688-3392