I run Ubuntu Hardy on a Dell Latitude 600 with a Linksys WRT54GL router and the latest Linksys firmware. I usually use a wired connection with wireless access disabled on the router configuration site. Today I booted and inadvertently neglected to attach the cable first. I was surprised to see it connect to the wifi network. I checked to make sure wireless access was still disabled and it was. What don't I understand here? Does disabling wireless access not do what I think (obviously doesn't)? If not, how can I turn off wifi. There is no physical switch. Opening Network Manager shows the wired button grayed out. The only way to turn it off is to connect the cable. Right now I see no way to work off line. Help, pointers, snide comments anyone? -- Bob Holtzman Key ID: 8D549279 "If you think you're getting free lunch, check the price of the beer"