On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Mike Schwartz wrote: > from > > http://linux.slashdot.org/story/09/12/28/1438232/Happy-Birthday-Linus?art_pos=11 > : > [quote:] >
> Linux: Happy Birthday, Linus > Glyn Moody writes*"Today is the birthday of Linus. Just under 19 years ago, > on the first day the shops in Helsinki were open after the holidays, Linus > rushed out and spent all his Christmas and birthday money on his first PC: a > DX33 80386, with 4 Megs of RAM, no co-processor, and a 40 Megabyte hard > disc. Today, the kernel he wrote on that system powers 90% of the fastest > supercomputers , and is > starting to find its way into more and more smartphones — > not to mention everything in between. What would the world look like had he > spent his money on something else?"* >
> -- > Mike Schwartz > It appears that some of the above text, is actually from http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/happy-birthday-linus -- (which is pointed to, by the first underlined (clickable) hyper-link in the /. article quoted above -- that is, the "Just under 19 years ago" link). I just read that longer item (from http://www.linuxjournal.com/). Pretty interesting. -- Mike Schwartz Glendale AZ schwartz@acm.org