On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 11:56:18AM -0600, Alex Dean wrote: ............snip............. > > Kurt : Is that "28 trillion hours" figure you cited the estimated time > to try *all* 12 character passwords? If so, I think that's not the > right metric. The search for a password stops once you've found the > correct one, and you'd only try them all if the correct password is the > very last one you tried. It'd be helpful to know something like "I'm > able to attempt 95% of all 12 character passwords after 28 trillion > hours". If the password is truly a random string of junk, it's perfectly > possible (just phenomenally unlikely) that you'll guess it on the 1st > try. I was just about to comment on this. You beat me to it. In all the different material I've read, everyone is fond of saying it would take of years to break a strong password. Statistically the odds of the first try being successful are not, as you pointed out, zero and increase with each combination. Granted, it would still take a hell of a long time but not the years people always claim. -- Bob Holtzman Key ID: 8D549279 "If you think you're getting free lunch, check the price of the beer"