Hello, configuring iptables rules, how I can find out if one port number I want to use is already in use? example: $IPTABLES -t nat -I zone_wan_prerouting 1 -j ACCEPT --protocol udp --dport ${UDP_PORT} --destination localhost $IPTABLES -t nat -I zone_wan_prerouting 1 -j ACCEPT --protocol tcp --dport ${TCP_PORT} --destination localhost $IPTABLES -t nat -I zone_wan_prerouting 1 -j ACCEPT --protocol tcp --dport ${TCP_HOST_PORT} --destination localhost How I can check if these ports (UDP_PORT TCP_PORT TCP_HOST_PORT) are in use from another application? -- 'The Magic Is In the Movement' Marco Savo SW Engineer 882 East Glenn St. Tucson, AZ 85719