Well I have to direct this to someone (Lisa) because whatever sassafras tea that you're drinking is obviously laced. For whatever reason you brought in a Debian log is beyond me too. But if you must needs have your senses titilated the OP in question was asking how he could generate a list of passwords. So Debian has two wonderful tools agp and otr that help generate random pronouncable passphrases. At the moment the word/theory eludes me. I'm sure you can identify with having to think up a passphrase for the 5 main frames you might be on, 3 servers, a laptop and a remote location every 30-60 days. It's PITA and really in the scheme of things doesn't work. Longer passphrases, say 20-40 chars work the best mathematically then a short 7 char "complicated" one. This person also sounded like they where do some sort of sys admining... which oh heaven forbid us linux users sys admin our boxen. So I mentioned cracklib to s/he as a way for an admin to enforce at least some level of security since the password is usually the weakest link in the "security" chain. As far as the IP that was used, so what? I was behind someone elses network at the time and had the free access to do as I needed on my boxen. No harm, no foul. Ah, I believe in net neutrality also. Though my request may not seem logical to you. I exhausted all means of "free" shell accounts online. I'm not going to go over again what I found. But for one reason or another they would not meet my needs. So, because I've known the the PLUG, Hans, Tuna, the gang at the Installfest. I was asking for assistance because I was not having any success with what I was doing hoping that someone may have something in the PLUG that "members" could use that wasn't necessarily public knowledge. No one is claiming nonfree, or unsafe or encroachment on anothers private property and/or breaking the law. Now Arapio the Nazi he is another story. You obviously don't, won't, can't have the ability to help me in my request so why are you beating a dead horse? A logical response would seemingly come from someone who could assist me. So basically shut your trap please. Vi^3PP