When I click the link for the Hackfest address on the PLUG homepage, Google Maps points to a residential location at 1224 W Northern Ave. 1224 _E_ Northern Ave appears to be the correct address, though a Google web search suggests this is a University of San Francisco location. I cannot find any references to a Foundation for Blind Children location at that address. Does anyone know if they share a building? I suspect the reason Google Maps points to the 1224 W Northern Ave address is because there's no street direction specified in the Google Maps link on the PLUG page. I felt I'd bring this up here to avoid any last-minute confusion, particularly since this is a new location. On a related note, I may have something for Hackfest, if there's still room/time for a presentation (around 20-30 minutes in length). It should only require a projector and an internet connection, though I may be able to work around not having an internet connection. I'm waiting to hear back from a few people before I say anything more about it here.