Quote from one of the reader comments at http://www.wired.com/gadgets/miscellaneous/magazine/17-06/ts_burningquestion ("Burning Question: Why Isn't Wireless Net Access Available Everywhere?") : << WiFi is now much faster than WiMAX (600 Mbps) http://www.wirevolution.com/2007/09/07/how-does-80211n-get-to-600mbps/get to 600Mbps? and has had proven long distance capability for over 10 years, up to 50 miles. EtherLinx could have covered the entire U.S. and half the World by now with Long Range and Local WiFi solutions at a fraction of the money already sunk in WiMAX.[...] >> submitted to PLUG-Discuss by: -- Mike Schwartz Glendale AZ schwartz@acm.org