Do you have php-mysql installed? Did you restart httpd after you installed it? Matt Graham wrote: > After a long battle with technology, Steven A. DuChene wrote: > >> But if that was the problem then the command line invocation on the Apache >> server should not work. I.E. if it was a port or firewall issue. >> > > apache:~$ mysql -u user --password=BLAH --host Mysql > apache:~$ php -r '$c=mysql_connect("Mysql","user","BLAH"); if(!$c){ > die("barf:".mysql_error()); }' > > ...both should work. > > >>>> Can't connect to MySQL server on 'Mysql' (13) >>>> in /home/minime/public_html/testmysqlconnect_script.php on line 6 >>>> >>> Are you running in safe mode? Is Mysql's mysqld listening on port 3306? >>> Is there any firewall in the way on that port? >>> > > No firewall. Are you running php-web in safe mode? Take a really good look > at the settings for mysql in your php.ini, and make sure they're all right. > > >> Apache system is running Fedora9 while the Mysql system is a OpenSuSE-10.1 >> > > SuSE is buggy, but the problem as you've described it is not a SuSE bug. The > shotgun debugging approach would be to start up "tcpdump -s0 -w dump.pcap > port 3306" on apache, then run both the mysql command-line client connect > attempt and the bad PHP script on apache. Then stop the tcpdump, then look > at dump.pcap with wireshark, then play "one of these things is not like the > other". > >