On Thu, 2009-05-14 at 05:45 -0700, Jerry Davis wrote: > I am just now having to learn c++ : I haven't done any C work since the > middle 80's. I am being forced to move from Rational clearcase and clearquest > to svn and teamtrack. TeamTrack is UGLY, don't get me started. But suffice it > to say, that the teamtrack API is written in C++. At least this part runs on > linux. Off topic, but if you're switching version control systems right now I wouldn't be switching to SVN. Basically it's a generation old in version control thinking. I'd be switching to something more modern like a DVCS. > How do I compile it such that I can step INTO the other objects' method? and > then step line by line in it? or do I have that capability already, and need to > use some other command in gdb that I don't know about? Everything needs to be compiled with -g to get full symbols. But probably your issue is just the command you're using. In gdb you need to use the "next" command to step into a function. Honestly, I'd recommend using one of the graphical debuggers like ddd as it would help with the gdb command set. Also, I believe that Eclipse can tie into gdb, but I haven't used that. --Ted