On Fri, 2009-05-08 at 03:13 -0700, Joseph Sinclair wrote: > I just finished reading the most INFURIATING (yes, I'm looking right > at you, Ted, even your responses had an uncharacteristically arrogant > tone to them, and most everyone else from Canonical had a tone so > arrogant it made me sick) bug report I've ever seen in a Linux > Distribution (I've seen plenty like this from Microsoft, I expect better > from Linux). > > It appears that the Ubuntu Desktop Experience (DX) team decided that for > Jaunty, they would "clean up" the notification area by removing the update > notification, not a bad thing by itself, although it's highly questionable > that it even needed to be done. Ah, back from a long trip... good to be home... but wait! While I'd love to say that every message I send is entirely perfect, that is clearly not the case. And on this issue, I'd have to say that I'm quite tired of it, and really, I think that my opinion is well documented on the Internet. My challenge to you is find the mail messages that document the problems we (and others) did find through user testing and were trying to fix. Then talk about how we didn't solve those. Or about how leaving things exactly the same solves them. I greatly doubt that we'll go back to the old way, because well, that's going backwards. But, no one will claim that the situation in Jaunty is perfect. If the GConf key is getting unset somehow, that's a bug. Please file it in Launchpad. Subscribe me, I'll help to ensure that it gets fixed. Finally, for those reading this thread and interested in the bug in question it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/332945 --Ted