Has anyone ever had issues with GoDaddy SSL certs? We have several with them and on Tues I purchased a cert, and after submitting the signing request I got this email: /*"Due to filters in our system your certificate request has been flagged for additional review. In order to proceed with your request we will need a live site to review. Please upload a site and let us know once that site is available for us to view. Alternately, you may provide a formal letter of the intended use of your site. Please make sure to include your name and signature on the document. Please have the letter faxed to..." */ WTF? What "filter" would flag an SSL cert request, especially when we have other domains and certs already with them? The live site is not ready yet, so I faxed them the letter of intent at 8am this morning, and as of now the cert is still pending with status message "Awaiting Live Site or Letter of Intent". I emailed their support and just got a canned response back. Yeah there is a plethora of other places I could get a cert, but getting them all from the same place makes it easier to manage renewals etc.