I know that there are some people on this list that use Asterisk a decent bit. Those that do... are you familiar with GrandCentral? If so, how do they compare? http://www.grandcentral.com/home/features I really like the control that something like GrandCentral gives you. The ability to choose where you receive a call (home, cell, work, etc) based on who is calling or when they are calling is a killer feature for me. Alas, there are just too many potential gotchas with that service to really commit to it other than as a play-thing (or as a number passed out freely to businesses and warranty cards and the like). What I would like is that kind of control... but in a way that *I* control it all! So no calls being routed through a 3rd party server; no voicemails stored on their server; no need to upload all of my contacts to a search company; etc. Asterisk seems like it might be able to do all that... but who can tell? Their site is horribly disorganized and when you do find a "feature" page, they spend all their time in an acronym frenzy. So... does anybody know? Kurt